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    BensonBank Tutorial 1 - Get started

    2013-10-28 00:00
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    Assume you have installed Benson Bank correctly. If not, here is howto:

    1 - goto Benson Bank website and download the zip
    2 - unzip and upload to your site, eg localhost/bank

    By default there are 2 example accounts installed: user/password=100/pass and 101/pass

    Just login Benson Bank and have a quick look how it works.

    Now logout, and apply for a new account for yourself. Then login as your new account.

    When a new account is created, the list of default accounts will be created. You are always able to edit/add/delete any accounts to your situation.

    Here is a basic review of the accounts:

    1 - Income (such as salary, assets, profits, etc)
    101 - Salary
    102 - Profit ...

    2 - Expense
    201 - Living (eg food, clothes, ... you can have more detailed accounts like 20101 food, 20102 clothes, ... depends on your choices)
    202 - Rent (cost of rent or housing etc)
    203 - Travel
    204 - Health
    205 - Educate
    206 - Other

    3 - Invest
    301 - Saving
    30101 - Cash (pocket money)
    30102 - HSBC cash account
    302 - Term
    30201 - ABC CD
    30202 - CMB CD
    303 - Loan
    304 - Super

    9 - Sales
    901 - Software
    90101 - Topnew CMS

    OK let's add a new bookkeeping record

    If you do not know what is credit or debit accounts, simply treat it this way: the movement of money from credit to debit, eg

    1 - I received salary of 8000 this month and save it into my HSBC bank account:

    credit = 101 salary
    debit = 30102 HSBC
    Amount = 8000
    Date = 2013-10-28

    2 - I take 1000 out of HSBC account and pay rent

    credit = 30102 HSBC
    debit = 202 Rent
    Amount = 1000

    3 - I transfer 5000 out of HSBC into ABC and open a term deposit for 1 year at 4.5% interest

    credit = 30102 HSBC
    debit = 30201 ABC CD
    Amount = 5000
    Remark = ABCCD..5688 (Deposit Ref ID)
    Mature = 2014-10-28
    Rate = 4.5%

    Then click Search or Account tabs or homepage to have a look of all the reports automatically generated.

    Enjoy :)
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