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Secure PHP login with database js for http sites

Topnew CMS uses secure PHP login with database, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or CUBRID.

Topnew CMS 3.0 uses almost perfect secure PHP login algorithm with https site, which is unhackable, well at least the algorithm. However we need to take care of those http sites. The following
Cat: CMS | Read: 30880 | 2012-12-29

Login logout and password

Cat: CMS | Read: 14845 | 2012-12-30  1

SIDU Support and Help Desk

* Seperate multiple SQLs with ; + line feed
* SIDU firewall is blank by default, you can update at the last line of file inc.page.php
* Refresh table before editting newly-added rows
* It's a good idea to have a primary key in a table.
* SQLite folder+file must be rw-able by server user
* Please refresh SIDU after sidu_fk table is created
Cat: SIDU | Read: 15056 | 2012-12-31  1

How to install databases

This msg is too old (originally written on 01 Jan 2013). Now its 22 May 2022 and PHP already ver 8, MySQL already ver 8. Let's re-write the wiki as following:

Install ubuntu 22.04 LAMP via vagrant, PHP 8 MySQL 8 PostgreSQL 13 etc

A - Install Git Bash for windows

If you are already o
Cat: SIDU | Read: 893435 | 2013-01-01  2

Optional sidu_fk table

sidu_fk is an optional table helps you and SIDU work better for foreign keys, enum, or meta data.

SIDU will produce drop-down select menu for data edit window based on instruction in table sidu_fk;

If sidu_fk has not been created or data not found in sidu_fk, SIDU will still produce drop-down sele
Cat: SIDU | Read: 82247 | 2013-01-02  4

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