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Home / Blog
Topnew Blog CMS v 2018.10.10 Released
Topnew Blog CMS is a tiny 10KB size content management system, it has blog, forum, ticket, wiki, photo, video, stack-overflow etc styles, by simply set config $blog['style'] = 'wiki'; etc with the same CMS.
Filesystem: copy these 5 files anywhere on your web eg /blog/ :
/blog/.htaccess -- catch all url to index.php
/blog/index.php -- start of the blog
/blog/blog.css -- customer css if needed
/blog/blog.js -- customer js if needed
/blog/file/ -- folder for attachment files
Config the blog via
Blog | Read: 64993 | 2019-01-10
This table holds all category id (cat) and category name (name or url) and category info (displayed as text)
eg name = news-media
if info = '', info will auto displayed as News Media. So if you want to display something else, you need input here.
cat id 1 .. 99 is reserved for system uses.
Blog | Read: 32475 | 2019-01-28
Please read topnew/src/Blog/config.ini, config.en.ini etc
Do not change directly on above ini file, instead, you can add at /blog/index.php $init settings eg:
The docs at the config.ini etc should be self explained and easy to understand.
$init = [
// other config init info ...
'att_kb' = 800, // attachment max file size in kb
'markdown' = 1, // use php markdown to render html for topic msg text
// ...
Blog | Read: 22961 | 2019-01-22
Use your existing user table, and only import user_id in to blog_cat.cat = 1001 eg
REPLACE INTO blog_cat(cat,name,info) VALUES
staff user id is a json of: catetory and user ids, above means:
cat = 1 (all categories i.e. Admin staff)
user_id = 1, 2
cat = 181130 (i.e. staff or moderators for cat = 181130)
user_id = 102, 108 etc
Blog | Read: 22140 | 2019-01-25
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