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Localhost SIDU ssh connect remote site localhost

The following line is a handy tip to allow SIDU from localhost to ssh connect remote site's localhost, when remote database is not allowed connection from a remote IP:

Open a terminal and input the following line:

# ssh -fCTMNS /tmp/sidu_tunnel -p 22 user@remote.ip -L 3307:localhost:3306

Cat: SIDU | Read: 55915 | 2019-01-01  11

Wiki: Topnew DB Docs

Wiki: Howto use Topnew\Db v 2019.10.10

Topnew DB is a PHP class to use PDO database library easily.

1 - Quick start

Save Topnew\Db file into somewhere eg:

An example of your applications:
Cat: CMS | Read: 12751 | 2019-10-10  10

Wiki: Topnew Db Where Docs

Wiki: Howto use Topnew\Db v 2019.10.10

Topnew DB is a PHP class to use PDO database library easily.

7 - $db->where()

where() and having() have exactly same behaviour, will accept multiple calls.

->where('raw SQL')
->where('id', 1
Cat: CMS | Read: 2029 | 2019-10-11  9

Wiki: Topnew Form Helper

Wiki: CMS Form Helper v 2018.09.09

Topnew Form helper generates html form, with data validation. It also generates SQL based on input values. Let's start with an example:

Let's start with a quick Example:

/* Define all for
Cat: CMS | Read: 66317 | Msg: 1 | 2018-11-08  5
Tag: CMS, Wiki

Topnew Blog, Forum, Support v 2018 Released

Topnew Blog CMS v 2018.10.10 Released

Topnew Blog CMS is a tiny 10KB size content management system, it has blog, forum, ticket, wiki, photo, video, stack-overflow etc styles, by simply set config $blog['style'] = 'wiki'; etc with the same CMS.
Cat: Blog | Read: 94145 | 2018-10-10  4
Tag: Blog, News, Forum, Wiki, Ticket

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